21 December 2012
13 December 2012
From the Director's Desk
The end of the year is upon us,
bringing to an end an eventful and very successful semester. Over these months
there have been enormous changes though most transitions have happened so
smoothly, that there have been minimal jarring changes. In the last 12 months
the school population has gone up by thirty percent, twenty five new teachers
joined and there were significant additions to the administrative team. What we
hope has not changed as the school has grown, has been the attention to each
child, an understanding of their needs and a commitment to educational quality.
Over the semester our students
have had in various important experiences – from inter-school matches, new
IPads in primary classrooms, guest speakers, public performances of music,
dance and drama. Most senior school students are now sitting exams, Middle and
Primary school are winding up units of work.
PYP Authorization Visit
Teachers in the primary, middle
and senior school are busy writing reports for the first semester. Grades
reflect students work throughout the semester and in the case of students from
Form 9-11 also include the semester-end examination. The final reports will be
made available to parents in the week after school closes. These are created on
Veracross and you will receive an email with a pdf version. New parents need to
know that we do not provide hard copies. You may download and print them if you
Fund Raiser & Sharing
Next week the student-run Interact club is hosting a fun fair, wholly run and organized by the students themselves. You will have received various communications and appeals for contributions from the Interact President in the Senior School or the Primary President. School didi's performing

The proceeds go to a recipient chosen by students themselves.
Special invitees at the Fair are all the support staff of the school – bus
drivers, cleaners, office boys and didis who will participate alongside. This
will be followed by a langar lunch where everyone sits and eats together,
served by senior students.
All the earnings from the Fun
Fair will add to the splendid earnings from the Readathon which has already
raised over 60,000 rupees.
All of these events focus on
making our students learn to contribute to a culture of sharing and to
appreciate the work done by others in making their lives easier.
Food Festival
The organizing group of parents
for the Food Festival have been working really hard to make it a day worth
remembering. The Core Group coordinated by Mr. Manish Gupta have been meeting,
sharing recipes and planning the layout of the serving area. There is always
something special for students to have their parents plan interesting menus and
cook for them and this event is a perfect example of the community coming
together to have fun.
December and January Schedule
This is the last newsletter for
2012. School closes for students on Thursday 20th December. School re-opens for
students on Wednesday 16th January.
As is our practice for January, school
timings are from 9.30 am.
Thank you to all parents for your
wonderful support over this semester. All good wishes to you and your loved
ones for a very happy 2013.
Shalini Advani
School Director
From the Primary School Principal
There will be a
book fair in school on the 20th so that parents and students can buy
books to read during the winter break. A great time for the whole school
community to read together as winter is a time to snuggle into warm quilts with
Our early
learners have been working very well and excitedly with I pads, which we had
introduced this term as a pilot study to see how well the students use it for
learning in Pathways. We are now intending to get many more into the school.
I wish you all, on behalf of the Pathways Primary School faculty, a very happy, memorable
2013. Let us together provide the best learning opportunities to the wonderful
students of Pathways.
I would also
like to thank each one of you for supporting Pathways and its philosophy.
Usha Lamba
Primary School Principal
Food Festival
Dear Parents,
As you all know the Pathway School NOIDA food festival 2012 is scheduled for December 20, 2012 at the school premises. You will recall this is an annual event planned & executed solely by Pathway’s Parents, if I may coin that term Primary students escorted by the Form tutor

(Parent - Form 6)
Coordinator – Food Festival Committee
As you all know the Pathway School NOIDA food festival 2012 is scheduled for December 20, 2012 at the school premises. You will recall this is an annual event planned & executed solely by Pathway’s Parents, if I may coin that term Primary students escorted by the Form tutor
This years theme being Christmas,
and rightly so, the event consists of an international fare of food and
beverages complete with Korean style pizzas from the far east to tarts &
cakes from the far west and (non alcoholic) mulled wine from Europe to
celebrate the festive spirit in the air. We will also surprise the little ones
with a live Santa, doling out goodies. Preschoolers lined up outside Santa’s
Grotto will be quite a sight along with a parent’s carol group.
We are pleased to acknowledge
that despite your pressing commitments, we have received an overwhelming
response to contribute/volunteer towards the event by Pathways Parents.
Parents enjoying serving
Nevertheless, your contributions, suggestions & efforts are most welcome, as the critical part is for US to execute to the event that WE have planned.
Parents enjoying serving
Nevertheless, your contributions, suggestions & efforts are most welcome, as the critical part is for US to execute to the event that WE have planned.
I would like to reiterate that
the operative word here is festival and not food hence, feel free to contribute
in any way to the festivities. The core team is at your service to address your
queries and guide your contributions.
Please do get in touch with us The Festive feel
for any clarification that may be. Needless to say this will be a milestone in developing the Pathways Community here.
for any clarification that may be. Needless to say this will be a milestone in developing the Pathways Community here.
(Parent - Form 6)
Coordinator – Food Festival Committee
Read A Thon
Read-a-thon- “Reading for a cause”
Anya Lauria
7 A
The Read-a-thon started on
27.11.12 and ended on 7.12.12. The purpose of such an activity was to collect
money to give to the organization called Goonj so that they can provide
rescores to the unprivileged people. All of us got a pledge sheet where we wrote
the name of our sponsors and kept a reading log to see how many pages we read
every day. It was a joyful experience reading so many different types of books
and collecting money for a noble cause. A very innovative activity that our
community service group co-ordinated, was the muffins and the lemonade sale so
that we could collect more money for Goonj.
I enjoyed it most because I liked
reading with all my friends in the atrium while the music was on, we even got
cushions to sit on and mats to lie on and read. We read in any position that we
were comfortable in. We hope Read- a- thon comes every year.
Neha Gupta
Form 6B
Golf and Squash Inter School Competition
Albatross International Junior Golf championship held at Jaypee Greens, Greater Noida

3.Anandita Ralli – Form 2 – 3rd Position in Girls under 10
4.Diva Chabara – Form 2 – 6th Position Girls under 10

The different
schools from Noida have participated in this competition. The school
participated are Amity International, Step by Step, Kothari International,
Mayor School, Lotus Valley School, Genesis Global School, Delhi Public School –
Noida, Delhi Public School – Ghaziabad, Apeejay School – Noida and host school
Pathways School Noida. The entire players below are now a seeded player in
Noida district.
3. Pratyush Gupta –Form 11 – 2nd Position – Boys U/ 17
4. Ifra Khanyaree - Form 12 – 4th Position – Girls U/19
5. Apoorva Bhiyani - Form 12 – 5th Position – Girls U/19
6. Shivam Khuller - Form 12 – 7th Position – Boys U/ 19
7. Agman Diwan – Form 9 – Boys U/ 15
8. Saideep Ganesh - Form 6 - Boys U/ 13
9. Dhruv Sahani - Form 6 - Boys U/ 13
Deepak Thakur
Head of Physical Education Department
It is always a pleasure to update
you all about the recent sports activities taken place in last week. Our 4
student have participated in Albatross International Junior Golf championship
held at Jaypee Greens, Greater Noida from 20th to 23rd November 2012 and also 9
students in Noida District Squash Inter School Championship at Pathways Noida
from 23rd to 25th November 2012. I am happy to say that all the students have
performed well and some have secured laurels in the competition. The following
are the details of student performance:
Albatross International Junior
Golf Championship: The participants from different countries have participated
in Golf championship.
1.Tanmay Rakheja –
Form 5 – 3rd Position in Boys under 13
2.Aadhar Dewan –
Form 11 – 25th Position in Boys under 193.Anandita Ralli – Form 2 – 3rd Position in Girls under 10
4.Diva Chabara – Form 2 – 6th Position Girls under 10
The experience of Golf
championship is shared by Tanmay Rakheja of Form 5:

It was a very good experience in
the golf championship. There were more than 60 participants from outside the
country. We had to play 54 holes over three days. The greens were very fast and
the ball didn’t stop. It was a very tough competition in each category. One of
the Indian players got a hole – in - one and a boy from Malaysia won the
albatross. Whereas I have secured 3rd position in boys under 13 i.e. D group
and lost the second position with one stroke to an Indian player from DLF,
Gurgaon. All our team mates have performed well. We really learned and enjoyed
the championship and I am looking forward to play again in the near future.
Noida District Squash Inter
School Championship
All the details of competition will be available on the
Noida Squash association website-
1. Parth Aggrawal - Form 12 – 4th Position – Boys U/19
2. Arunav Jain - Form 12 – 3rd Position – Boys U/ 17 3. Pratyush Gupta –Form 11 – 2nd Position – Boys U/ 17
4. Ifra Khanyaree - Form 12 – 4th Position – Girls U/19
5. Apoorva Bhiyani - Form 12 – 5th Position – Girls U/19
6. Shivam Khuller - Form 12 – 7th Position – Boys U/ 19
7. Agman Diwan – Form 9 – Boys U/ 15
8. Saideep Ganesh - Form 6 - Boys U/ 13
9. Dhruv Sahani - Form 6 - Boys U/ 13
Deepak Thakur
Head of Physical Education Department
Frisbee Workshop

Ultimate is a game played with
Frisbees. Teams throw the Frisbee back and forth and try to cross the
opponent’s base line. If the Frisbee is dropped in the middle, it becomes the
other teams. Fouls include tapping the Frisbee out of someone’s hands, trying
to snatch the Frisbee and deliberately pushing someone when they are in
possession of the Frisbee. We played this game until the end of the workshop.
The whole experience was
enjoyable and it actually taught us some skills. The game was enjoyable and we
also received free passes to the finals National level match which was held in
Jawaharlal Nehru stadium on 18th November, 2012. I wouldn’t mind having more
workshops on such sports. Though they are not as well known as sports like
basketball and soccer, they are quite fun.
Ayona Sengupta
Form 8
22 November 2012
From the Director's Desk
The assembly seemed a
good time for students to reflect on how we are to live life in a Facebook
world and I am using this newsletter for the same purpose. I shared with
students how as a teenager I was often in trouble with my parents for endlessly
being on the phone with friends. Facebook
allows sharing and chatting with friends
– but in a somewhat different way. A phone conversation is public – ie everyone
can see you are on the phone and this makes it controllable by parents. But on
FB, a parent or an adult can be fooled
into thinking that a child is completing homework or doing an assignment on the
laptop. The ‘chat’ window can be quickly minimized to create the wrong
impression of hard work.
Challenges of
This is why it is so essential that we develop in young
people the self- discipline to monitor themselves. Because the freedom given by
blogs and wikis and social networking is also its biggest challenge. Adults can
only supervise and discipline to a limited extent. If a student does not
understand the importance of concentration for quality, he or she will always
have a chat or comment on status in the midst of writing an essay. And there is
no way parents or teachers can prevent this.
It is therefore more important than ever before for us to
focus on creating a sense of personal responsibility, of self- monitoring. To
understand that it is fine to be on FB but also sometimes to not log in. In
other words it has become very important is for a young person to understand
how they learn, what helps their learning and what restricts it.
Our Learning Culture
at Pathways
It is for all these reasons that we focus on teaching self-
discipline and also self -reflection.
Parents of Form 6 and 7 will soon receive an invitation to the Student
Led Conference in December. The primary school one follows later in the academic
year. Throughout the school students write reflections on learning areas or on
their own progress. They are encouraged to set personal goals and targets for
themselves. I would be interested in hearing back from parents and students on
any thoughts you have on this subject. Please feel free to email me at
Events Past and
It was wonderful to see a number of Pathways families at the
Kahaani festival. Over the two days there were over two thousand people at the
various events. We hope to promote culture and performance on an ongoing basis
at Pathways.
On our children’s day celebration, I was proud to see the
care with which our senior students organized a special event for the children
of Hazipur village school. This included sharing lunch with them and a sports
events at which prizes were awarded.
The Inter School tennis event gave an excellent focus to
this sport. This week we are happy to host the District Level Inter School
Squash tournament. Meanwhile inter-house
soccer tournaments are beginning.
Also beginning next week is the Readathon, a way of
encouraging reading for a cause. And today we are looking forward to welcoming
the Australian writer and illustrator Frane Lessac who is part of Bookaroo and
is coming to school to talk to students from Form 5, 6 and 7.
A reminder to please fill in the form for the Parent
organized Food Festival on 20th December, if you are able to participate. Our
students thoroughly look forward to being spoilt and fed by their parents!
Shalini Advani
School Director
From the Middle School Principal
Education is not just academic
learning, but also involves social, ethical and emotional competencies.
Students at middle school are therefore exposed to multitude activities, both
in the classroom and outside it.
Form 6 students have finished a
unit in Geometry and are now composing a song to revise the math concepts
learnt. Well, Math need not just be
numbers and shapes after all! In history Form 8, after having studied World War
1, are analyzing and writing their own version of the - ‘Treaty of
Versailles’ -according to their understanding and historical perspective .
Students of Form 8 are working on
their Personal Project where they will be writing a report based on their
research and process. Ms Geeta Verma, IB coordinator therefore conducted a
workshop on Academic Honesty. She
reiterated the importance of original and authentic work where ideas and work
of others is acknowledged and referencing of all sources is done.
Form 8 is also attending a dance
appreciation workshop- Left Foot Right, conducted by ‘Gati Dance’. It is
about joyful learning through dance and not just learning a dance form. The aim
of the workshop is to enable the
students to experience and appreciate the arts, which develop values, skills
and attitudes in a person.

Middle School also begins a Read-
a- thon on 27th November,2012.The initiative is to support the underprivileged
by raising funds in our own little ways .Read
for GOONJ is designed for our
children to read to raise funds by
getting sponsors for the pages read and thereby improve their own reading
This year some of the middle
school students have been initiated into Model United Nation and will also be
training for it .Many of them will be experiencing and participating in
Inter-school MUN which is going to be hosted by Pathways Noida. A team of five
students will also be going to Singapore to attend International MUN in
February .
We will continue to engage
students in such activities which make learning interesting and more
Sunanda Sandhir
Principal Middle School
Kahaani Festival
Inauguration Ceremony of the Kahaani Festival Are you Icky, Yucky or Mucky, story by Anita Roy
The Kahaani festival sponsored by
Pathways School, Noida gave just the right opportunity not only to every child
but also to the child within an adult. The festival brought children and
storytellers together to weave a magical world with the wonder of stories. The
festival enchanted and empowered audiences as they explored a multitude of
narratives from India and around the world!
Nagada Workshop
Some of the storytellers and
illustrators at Kahaani 2012 included famous personalities like Anita Mani,
Prayag Shukla, Anupa Lal, Manisha Chaudhry, Smita Vats, Dr. Varsha Das, Atanu
Roy, Subhadra Sen Gupta, Bulbul Sharma and Sachin George Sebastian.
Performances by the Ishara Puppet Theatre - Dadi Pudumjee (Puppet), Katkatha–
Anurupa Roy( Puppet), Akaar- Puran Bhatt( Traditional Puppets), Rene Singh
(Music), SALTBUSH (Australia), A Midsummer Night’s Dream by WIDE AISLE
PRODUCTIONS(Theatre) enthralled the audiences.
The festival rendered an
opportunity for children to express, find their voice, explore, play and dance
with performers providing a unique immersive experience, where the audience too
became part of this visually beautiful journey.
Aarti Khurana
What is a kahaani after all? My
Hindi-English dictionary says “story,” - but this word just doesn’t seem to be
enough. Kahaani has a sense of mischief, mystery, and mistiness to it. It is a
journey into another land, it should
Music Performane by Rene Singh
So it was with the Kahaani Festival
2012 at Pathways School Noida, which was hosted on the 17th and 18th of
November. This weekend-long storytelling festival saw
us descend into unknown
worlds. I myself witnessed, for the first time, a puppet show with audience
interaction (think of enthusiastic kids pulling the screen on the puppeteers,
who magnificently keep the show going!). Many of us participated in live
workshops on the nagara, or historical discussions of the newspaper as a
literary form. For the younger ones, a little dance floor was set up in our
Primary Block. The highlight for many, of course, was a performance of
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, executed by a small but masterful cast
that took the audience in its sway. These entertainments and learning
experiences continued throughout the weekend, attracting visitors from both our
school community and afar. It was, in the truest sense, a memorable time for
all of us. Events like these offer an insight into new art forms, reminding us
of all that we have left to learn. For the Pathwayzian community, having events
like this right at our doorstep is an invaluable opportunity.
Partha Sharma
Magazine Editor
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