Green Grass, lovely children, 100
plus beaming parents and the ever enthusiastic staff of Pathways Noida was the
ideal setting for The Sports Fiesta.
Making it participative and No
One Wins theme was ideal but this surprisingly saw the children more
competitive without being told. Fifteen minutes down the fiesta saw a change of
clothes, children removed all their winter wear to be more comfortable and were
sweating to enjoy the thrill of mild sunlight which brought cheers to the
organizers face since it was predicted as a wet day by our ever unpredictable
Met department.
After the children it was the
turn of the parents to participate in the fiesta with a round of Musical Chair
without the chairs in place, the chairs were replaced by multi coloured Hula
hoops. The icing on the cake was again the enthusiasm of the parents while
being cheered by their children. It was fun, all in all.
All calories burnt out, it was
time for a quick snack and a cuppa piping hot masala tea which was really
As they say in school, it was
Home time then.
Mr. Balaji Venkataraman
Father of Bhavya Balaji
Form 1 B