"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
- Aldous Huxley, Music at night : And Other Essays
Music at
Pathways aims at building up these skills. Indian Music has its own role in
achieving these skills. Students are
learning to use vocal sounds, rhythms and instruments to express feelings or
ideas through the songs. Students are being given enough opportunity to explore
musical terminologies very specific to Indian classical music like Aaroh
(ascending), Avaroh (descending), Saptak (octave), Mandra (lower), Madhya
(medium) & Taar (higher).

Sargam is a very fundamental element of Indian music, which is very regularly practised in all the classes. Students are gradually recognising different patterns of Sargam. Students have experienced that each song has sargam woven within it. Students also learn a variety of songs for
different occasions. Tabla is
being used intensively for students to explore different rhythms. Students
start learning a taal by showing beats of different taals through hands. Importance
is being given to correct placement of hands on the Tabla with basic bols
(syllables). Students have learned basic
taals like Keharva in addition to Teentaal, Dadra & Roopak. Percussion
instrument ‘Khanjeera’ is used to practise basic rhythm exercises. Encouragement
to play & accompany on untuned percussion instruments like Maracas &
Tambourine with a song is being given continuously.
At lower
primary level music is more fun based & hence the focus is more on rhymes
& action songs along with very simple Sargam patterns. Sargam is done in
counting or alphabetic order. They are encouraged to play untuned percussion
instruments like Maracas, Shakers & Tambourine
- Aldous Huxley, Music at night : And Other Essays
Music nourishes children's brains & develops memory skills. Music stimulates brain connections and can actually make children smarter. Researches also show that music can strengthen children's minds and serve as a fundamental skill of learning.
Dr. Vineeta
Rashid Khan
Music Teacher