The tail end of any academic year in Primary, is a very busy time as we reflect on our successes and areas of improvement. We do this with staff, parents and students.
In accordance with the IB Philosophy we encourage use and respect for mother tongue. We had a day when students displayed individual talent in their mother tongue.
The Early years shared a Day of Rhymes with parents.
Kindergarten has been running an enquiry, with the central idea as, “stories help us to communicate. They are a source of discovery, pleasure and knowledge.”
I am thoroughly enjoying the vibrancy that I see in classes within the Primary building and outside it. I am happy to report that the swimming classes are well on their way and today the tiniest on the campus had their dip in the splash pool.
Form 5 are also in the midst of assessments and getting the exhibition ready to be held on 24th May, 2012. All are invited for it, friends, relatives and neighbours. Wait to hear more, with details on this. Graduation Ceremony for students graduating to middle school is scheduled for the 29th May.
Usha Lamba
Principal Primary School