Mr. Deepak Dalal
This week Pathways School Noida threw open the doors of our classrooms to a wonderful array of guest speakers –writers, story-tellers and artists who shared their craft with the student audience. Literary Week was celebrated in the primary and secondary school.
Ms. Anupa Lal
telling, Anjali Raghuvanshi who taught Form 4 & 5 about Folk art and had them creating Madhubani work, Ajit Narayan who taught cartooning tricks to Form 4 & 5, illustrators from Campfire who showed middle school students about graphic story telling ….the their inputs was breathtaking.
Parent Story Telling
No less valuable were the parents who came and read to our students. Thank you very much for doing this. In addition, there were student led activities including quizzes and book discussions. The week sends out the best message to students about the joys of reading and storytelling.
Model UN in School
Guest Teachers
In preparation for Founders we are delighted to have two teachers of dance working with our students. Elena Abakarova is conducting classes on Russian folk dance in middle school and Rosalia is working with senior students on Flamenco and Salsa. Also scheduled are workshops on mime and kalaripayat for primary and middle school respectively. This is in addition to our own school faculty in drama, music and dance who are conceptualizing and working towards the Founders show. In the process our students will become exposed to a variety of cultural forms.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher meetings are scheduled on the 21st for Middle School and 29th for Senior and Primary School. These will enable you to meet your child’s teachers and review academic progress.
Staff Training
Teachers across the school are receiving training in multiple areas. Three teachers from primary, middle and senior school attended a valuable workshop on mental health at Max hospital, three others are attending a training on assessment and another three on differentiation in the classroom. Meanwhile the didis’ who look after our children in the primary school have a training on personal development. It enhances our commitment to ensure that Pathways remains a school where everyone, not only the students, continues to learn.
Shalini Advani
School Director