Graduation Day
Shakespeare, the master wordsmith, in one of his many beautiful sonnets, had written, “Like as waves make towards the pebbled shore, so do our minutes hasten to their end, each changing place
with that which goes before." And this is indeed the very nature
of time and life itself.
Rizwan Jaffar - Life Long Learner Award
So quietly and yet swiftly did the journey we started
together as students and teachers come to an end! The occasion of graduation
evokes mixed feelings- there is indeed a sense of pride that our students have
so successfully accomplished their academic goals, an overwhelming emotion of
happiness of having forged a wonderful relationship with each of them, and of
course there is a sense of nostalgia. And so, I must say our experience of
being with these children has been very rewarding both personally and
professionally. They have been brilliant! Congratulations on their graduation!
Srishti Mehrotra - Global Citizenship Award/Salutatorian Award for excellence in Academics

But you must know graduation is
not the end, it is in fact the beginning- of the next phase in life, of newer
challenges ahead, of scaling greater heights and discovering and learning more
about oneself. While it is a cause for celebration, I also think it is an
important opportunity to pause, reflect and decide how they want to carve their
future. I would like to quote another line from Shakespeare here, “And since
you cannot see yourself so well, I, your Reflection, will modestly discover to
yourself, that of yourself, which you yet know not of.” This sums the
importance of introspection- of seeing how your time has been spent, your
learning curve, your strengths, predilections, your dreams and ambitions, for
these will be your guiding forces and light in the sea of the unknown and
As a Principal who has been with the students for two years, I too did reflect, about each of them. Every individual child here has charted his/her own learning path and direction. Their interests are different from each other’s, their curiosity,amicability,zeal and
Ishita Beniwal - Best Overall Participation

their drive to
excel. I sometimes thought it is a paradox; but when I took time to understand,
I realized that this is in truth the philosophy of our education taking shape
on the ground, in that the IB learner profiles were emerging and slowly getting
established. And this is the only
yardstick I used to measure my students’ success. They all have so effortlessly
imbibed and absorbed the school’s and IB philosophy that it is a way of life-
and this is the promise we made to you. The teachers have tirelessly worked on
building, developing and shaping their each individual person, to make them
prepared and ready for life ahead, that today as I see them poised to forge
forward with great maturity, it no longer is work in progress. Congratulations
teachers too, for such a splendid job! I recall here what our first Prime
Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru said, “Time is not measured by the passing of years,
but by what one does, what one feels and what one achieves.” Therefore it is
not about just the two years, but the joy of being rewarded by such students as
you. We are a proud faculty today to
witness how yours and our efforts
together has made you all individuals
with such great potential Thus, I am in no doubt that our children today will in their own right taste sweet success in their lives ahead
waiting to embrace them!
The Graduation was also the perfect occasion for celebrating the best in our students, the values that we believe in. And we did that through the various awards that we presented to them.
Saurabh Mittal - Valedictorian Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Srishti Mehrotra too bagged many awards- Global
Citizenship Award, the Subject Proficiency Awards for English Higher Level,
Computer Science, Visual Arts and Theory of Knowledge. Ashika Jaffar won the
Outreach Award for excellence in community service and Subject Proficiency
Awards for Geography and Biology. The Life Long Learner Award and the Subject
Proficiency Award for Business and Management were conferred on Rizwan Jaffar.
Ishita Beniwal won the Best Overall Participation Award. Congratulations once

Ashika Jaffar - Outreach Award for excellence in Community Service
As we celebrate their school
journey culminating in graduation, I cannot resist sharing with you some of my
deepest, dearest and inspiring thoughts. I have always encouraged my children
to dream, and believe in those ambitions with conviction and courage, moving
ahead with a singularity of purpose.
Commitment is one of the many important ingredients of making your
dreams a reality. As Roosevelt once famously said, “The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams!” And in chasing those dreams and
ambitions, there will be many challenges and snags which we need to turn to
opportunities to learn and rise, and not allow these difficulties to deter us
from our goals. Always remember, “What lies before us and what lies behind us
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Go on dear students, your
life beckons you!
The world is a place for you to
live in peace, harmony and love. It is a world full of opportunities and
formidable learning for everyone.... as John Updike sums it beautifully, “You
cannot help but learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up
reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on
Wishing my graduating class the
very best in every endeavour in their lives.
Umar Jaffar
Principal Senior School