8 March 2013

From the Director's Desk

The true purpose of education as Eleanor Roosevelt said many years ago, is to create citizens. By this she meant the creation of habits of responsibility and courage and compassion. Reinforcing this with our students is our constant endeavor through what we expose them to and what we discuss. Speaking to senior school students recently, the Senior School Principal Mr Jaffar spoke of the importance of respect – caring for each other, for teachers and the support staff – as a bedrock of our education at Pathways. Recent activities are good examples of how we do it.

Interact Club

Interact Club Pinning Ceremony
Created to serve the community, the school Interact club activities show wonderful social responsibility and caring. The new office                   bearers  of  the club  were  invested  with  badges. In the few months since it as launched, the club has raised over a lakh of  rupees   through  food sales, fun fairs and other activities. The money goes to improve facilities at a school in Hajipur. Our students also celebrated Children’s Day with the children of the school, running a sports event and lunch service. The new office bearers have big plans and intend to adopt another school in the area.
Editing the Times of India
     Pathways Team at the TOI office
The edition of the Times of India put together by our senior school students was an interesting and challenging process because it took them out of their comfort zone into understanding how news is not simply reported but also created through choice and editing. Reading through the issue it was remarkable to see the well-informed comments on the upcoming budget, Indian-US relationships or technology in education. Our children seemed as well-informed and socially aware as most adult commentators.
Science for a Better Life
Students of Form 4 visited the Bayer Material Science centre and learnt about polyurethanes and polycarbonates and their uses in sustainable  buildings.             Constructing the castle Draw Bridge
They were able to construct their own  Castle Draw Bridge with special materials and were able to take these home. They came away with a deeper understanding about the role of new scientific developments in protecting their world.
The school is abuzz with activity in preparation for our technology fair, Jharokha. Please do come and feel free to bring friends. You will be amazed at the creative ways in which our children – from as young as Form 1 upto Form 11 use technology in learning. Our school is undoubtedly a leader in this area.  Jharokha is on Thursday 14th between 10 am – 1pm.
Shalini Advani
School Director