2 February 2012

MUN-ing at Aravali

The first committee session of CCPCJ (Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice) - I was the wide eyed "new girl", breathlessly taking in my surroundings, whispering to myself (don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up) and fidgeting through the first hour. I knew what to do, but I was just too nervous to actually try. Even though I did put my name on the general speakers list I felt as though my participation was nil.

Twenty four hours later- I was issuing a statement, finding possible solutions to a problem, taking notes and had stopped reminding myself not to mess up. My confidence had improved  tenfold. I was comfortable and at ease.

PWSMUN was one of the most exciting experiences of my life. You had to be quick on our feet, logical and eloquent, while keeping in mind facts and statistics. Over the three days I spent at Aravali, not only did I have fun, but also grew as a person.

Yes, we did have to work hard. I can remember the late night sessions, cramming facts, bookmarking pages and taking notes that could help me for the next session, and going over them time and time again. The frustration at looking at those one hundred and eighty page long PDF files for a sentence or two of crucial information. Repeatedly practicing my speech in my head and thinking it sounded stupid and that someone would burst out laughing. And finally remembering that this wasn’t just any other debate- that I would have to strictly adhere to certain rules and procedures. And honestly? It was worth it- every bit of it.

And it most definitely wasn’t all work and no play- most of my memories associated with my first MUN is and always shall remain the laughter and the partying. Joining the hullabaloo that followed when the chair cracked a joke, eating the most ridiculous snacks in the oddest sequence at the most atrocious hours (considering the time we had to wake up) and giggling with the two other girls I shared a room with. One of my favorites is definitely laughing over those viral videos and giving a whole new angle to ROFL. Wait- shouldn’t that be changed to KOTFL (Kneeling On the Floor Laughing)? I’m pretty sure a bunch of us here had a hilarious flashback.

And then there was a social. Scrounging whatever makeup we had and applying it in front of the mirror in my room because “it makes us look thin”, and smiling broadly at the result. Gushing over each other’s dresses and shoes, and finally dancing like there was no tomorrow at the party, not caring who saw us or what they thought. Screaming the songs as we danced and booing wherever the music stopped- it truly was one of the best nights of my life.

So when I look back, ten or twenty or thirty or even fifty years from now, I am never going to regret turning in that first essay. Because if I hadn’t I would’ve missed out on a whole lot of experiences and memories that I couldn’t have encountered anywhere else- or with anyone else for that matter. And do I plan to go for more of these MUNs?
Yes. I most definitely do.

Supriya Ganesh
Form 9