16 August 2013

Special Assembly by Form 5 Students - Vandana Parashar, Form Tutor Gr 5

For our first primary school assembly, we all had to put up a presentation under the theme ‘bring a smile’. On day one of the school, amidst all the buzz of settling in, Form 5 students and teachers began brainstorming on the idea of bringing a smile on everyone’s face. This process worked as a great ice-breaker activity for us. All the students, new and old alike came up with amazing ideas, out of which we all decided to present an advertisement. Students made it extremely funny by adding some
hilarious movements; but they also kept in mind that these gestures should be entertaining and not offensive to anyone. They even decided to conclude it with a lesson; i.e. some advertisements exaggerate information in order to sell their products; therefore, we need to be smart enough to make the right choice. Considering it was just the second day of school, they delivered a very impressive performance with powerful dialogues and a clear message. It was a pleasure seeing the new students participating with amazing enthusiasm and confidence.