9 December 2011

Middle School Trip

Itihaas Trip

On the 29th of November, all the Middle School students of Pathways Noida took a trip to Red Fort. After a long drive we reached our destination. After some time we were introduced to our tour guide. She told us a bit about the architecture and how it helped when the fort was under attack. Soon we were cast 400 years back in history. We could see ourselves in the place of the citizens and imagine the jewel studded walls of Shahjahan’s palace. We discovered that the walls were never red. They had been built with red sandstone and then covered with a white plaster made of limestone. Other facts like how only Hindu symbols were used in the architecture and the way Shahjahan’s life was made paradise on heaven also amused us. We were amazed by the sheer carving on the walls and corridors. Just the thought of someone making their house over 124 acres of land in Delhi stunned us. After a while we took a break, only to be shocked once more by how long we had been walking. We had already spent over an hour looking at the first 5 buildings. After a few minutes we started the tour again. The tour guide told us about the saying engraved in the stone walls of one of the palaces.
 The saying is “If there is paradise on Earth it is here, it is here, it is here.” We never imagined something like that would be engraved on one of the Red Fort walls in Arabic. We again sat down in one of the gardens and took one last look at the beautiful monument. In my mind’s eye I could just see Shahjahan walking across the lawn and inspecting the shining marble walls of his mosque. Truly a pretty picture. Red Fort is a monument of historical importance and a great place to learn about the Mughal Dynasty. The trip taught us a lot about the life of the people of India 400 years ago.

Ayona Sen Gupta
Form 7


On Friday 25th November, early in the morning we jumped into the buses and drove far away to Gurgaon. When we reached the Book Festival, ‘Bookaroo’ we could see only greenery. It had workshops, storytelling, plays and crafty corners. When we entered we saw many books and book stalls. Our first activity was at drawing center. We were asked to free draw and there was no limit of space.
It was a really good experience. Second, we went to a huge book stall. It was great to see so many children buying books, and it was also a good experience to see many different kinds of books. Third, we went to the Crafty Corner and met Mr. Gregory Hughes. He is an award winning British writer of fiction for teenagers. He told us about his books and even read out a part of his book. He shared with us good tips for writing a great book.  A few of the good tips were, ‘sometimes you can’t write a book when you want to, it is when some imagination in your mind strikes you’.  It was a great pleasure meeting Mr. Gregory and him telling about his books. Everything in Bookaroo was very good.

Aryan Srivastava & Aaryaman Jatia
Form 7

Art Project at British School
On the 1st of December 2011, 6 members of Pathways School Noida from Middle School went on a trip to the British School for an art project. We left at 7:30 in the morning and arrived at 8:30. We were sent to the assembly hall for an introduction to all participating schools. There were at least 15 schools that came to the British School. They started the day with singing, they sang songs about peace and gave us a presentation of what peace means to them. They then told us what we had to do for the project and then we were sent outside to our tables to begin our project.

Our first project was to draw and paint something that resembles peace onto a kite; we finished it in an hour. After that, we had breakfast. For breakfast they had really nice cake and samosa, along with different varieties of drinks. Sohini , Ketan and I painted a sculpture of a bird coming out of an egg as a symbol of peace . That was a fun thing and  we enjoyed doing it . After a fun day, we headed back to school.

Aash Kambhoj
Form 8