29 March 2012

Dr.Seuss Birthday - 2nd March

Dr. Seuss birthday was celebrated in the library for two   weeks (12th March-23rd March). Children were given a short introduction about Dr. Seuss  and  his life. They were made familiar with Dr. Seuss  books  and  its characters.
The book ABC by Dr. Seuss was read to the classes during the first week.  In the  following  week children were shown the Movie “Horton Hatches the Egg”   which is among one of  Dr. Seuss most famous  book  on the big screen. Later children did various activities according to their grade levels like Grade Nursery coloured Horton the elephant, K.G matched different characters of Dr. Seuss  books and coloured them, Grade 1 joined the dots from 1-30  of  Horton the elephant and later coloured it, Grade 2-3  were told to use their imagination and make  any creature they could think of that would hatch out from the egg. They were given different coloured papers and a cracked egg made of paper on which they had to stick the creatures they were going to make. The children made very colourful and beautiful little creatures  and  pasted them on the cracked eggs and some even gave names to their creatures.

Anju Dutt