There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child .There
are seven million Walt Streightiff
Grade 5 from Primary School
visited the middle school for a day. This was to provide them with the
experience of a typical day in the middle school. Students enjoyed various
classes whether it was designing a name tag during DT class, writing poems or creating art pieces .They
had lots of questions as they moved to different rooms for different subject
areas. Our endeavor is to enable a smooth transition from primary to middle
As the group of Grade 5 students
moved out from the office after giving an account of the whole day at the
middle school, one of them stayed back and said that he wanted to give me
something ! With a smile, he
slipped a spiderman sticker in my hand .This gesture
was his way of expressing his happiness and approval ! Moments like these gives us the pleasure,
satisfaction and actually motivates further. Working with the children is indeed
fulfilling. We are looking forward to welcoming them in August.
While the form 7 & 8 students
are preparing for their forthcoming examinations, form 6 students are having
Skype sessions with Old Mills primary school, Leicestershire U.K. The UK
students have many questions on India and our life style and our students
enthusiastically respond to their queries.
We will come to an end of this session in another few days and I cannot
end without mentioning Form 8 which will move to senior school in the next
session. Every class comes with a different character. The most remarkable thing
about our form 8 students, which grew from 7 to 21 as the session progressed,
is that they welcomed every new member with enthusiasm and not only helped them
to settle but made them feel part of the team. This batch is filled with
creativity and talent. They will be missed in the middle school !
“I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh or sing a song
Seems we just get started and before
you know it
Comes the time we have to say, 'So long.”….Carol Burnett
Sunanda Sandhir
Middle School Principal