One month into
school and it already seems that there is enough to write about to fill a
volume! To begin with a specially warm welcome to this first blog of Pathways
Noida to all new families. I look forward to getting to know you better. The multiple Form mornings for different
grades and the workshops on the PYP, MYP and the DP orientation will I hope
have given you an initial insight into the school We have started the year on a
good note – a beautiful new Primary block and a new Primary school Principal
are a good way to start.
The Blue Whale Menace
I am beginning
on a sober note, especially but not exclusively for secondary school parents.
You will be aware of the high degree of publicity around the bizarre and
destructive Blue Whale game. It is most of all, a symbol of our times. As
adults we are uncertain about what is happening in the minds of young
teenagers, especially because of the private world which technology promotes.
We are also aware that anxiety, depression and peer pressure are higher in this
generation of teenagers than ever before in human history. Elsewhere in this
blog you can read about the indicators to watch out for.
However the way
forward is what it has always been – ensuring a close personal connect with a
child, discussing with them what is happening in their lives, being aware if
they are struggling emotionally or if there is a change in their behaviour.
There is no substitute for these. As parents I would urge a non-judgmental
attitude, one which is founded in an appreciation of what they are. Showing
your child how to improve or urging them to change is a tricky business when
you are dealing with a teenager. It is necessary to do, but only in a way where
they do not feel worthless. At this age although on the outside, they may seem
confident and dismissive of your opinion, children are extraordinarily
vulnerable to your opinion. Building up self-worth is probably the most
valuable gift you can give your child, one which will take them further in life
than winning medals or getting the highest grades.
In school we are
in the process of discussing this nasty phenomenon with children.
Wellness Week
Long before the
Blue Whale phenomenon hit the headlines, we had planned a focus on what we call
Wellness – a large term which covers mental health, social & community
health and physical health. In this year we are focussing on mental health,
most of all on the development of resilience. While loss, failure, anxiety are
a normal part of the human condition, we need to teach people today how to deal
with these. Learning from failure is one example. Knowing how to calm and focus
your mind at times of high emotion is another. Managing stress and high
expectations is a third. These are lifelong lessons which we all need to learn
– and we are making a start with launching focussed attention on this.
Meanwhile for parents I can suggest two resources easily available on Youtube.
I had shared with Primary parents a TED talk on Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth.
Some of you will know of it already. Also have a look at a TED talk by Guy
Finch which we will be sharing with secondary school students.
Council of International Schools

Safety Lockdown
IC3 Fair and
We were happy to
host a huge univerisities fair in conjunction with an international careers
organisation called IC3. Over 60 universities from around the world were in
school to meet students and parents and to run workshops on general areas like
Careers without Maths, or careers in Aviation. Following
this, the school
participated in a huge international conference with representatives from
schools around the country and 160 universities from around India and the
world. We were proud that our students opened the conference with a music performance
from secondary school and a yoga performance by Grade 4. It was a nice way of
highlighting our children’s varied talents.
I am delighted
to share that our university counselor Deblina Chakravorty won the Counselor of
the Year Award at the IC3 conference. This was at the end of a detailed process
where schools nominated with evidence. A short list was created by a jury and
the final decision was made by them. The jury consisted of Principals from
different schools around India. We are all very proud of the work done by her.
Dr Shalini
School Director